Apollonion Private Hospital i Strovolos

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernApollonion Private Hospital



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20, Lefkotheou, 2054, Strovolos, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 469000
internet side: www.apollonion.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.1482446, Longitude: 33.3207298

kommentar 5

  • maria P

    maria P


    Two days ago i went with my husband in emergency department because an motorbike accident.A young woman which saw him (later i found out it was the"doctor) considered that he need only some stiches and no x-rays.When i asked why somebody who just fall from a motobike (59 y.o)with a lot of back pain and injured leg do not need an x-ray so we can understand if was some bones broke the answer was: if you know better why do not take a job here?? -here is not bakali to ask what you want! VERY professional! We also have to wait a plastic surgeon for 3 hours to came and stitch the wounds. Finally after six hours -a lot of nerves and 330 euro pay we left .

  • Naz Gol

    Naz Gol


    Terrible staff! Very rude girls in the emergency section. Impolite and extremely impatent. They do not know how to behave as a hospital staff. Lack of professional behaviour is literally obvious there.

  • Day May

    Day May


    My experience in this clinic has been decent up until i visited Panayiotis LOIZOU. A bad doctor and a horrible person. Rude, unprofessional and seems not even good at his profession. All he wants is to put u in the surgery room and take your money. No sympathy to the patient at all. Would never return and i will think if to visit Apollonion again.

  • Pavlos Hadjipavlis

    Pavlos Hadjipavlis


    This is a rating just for the ENT (ΩΡΛ) Dr Iakovos Kakouras and not for the whole hospital. Unfortunately in my case, Dr Kakouras did not devote more than 5 minutes for the diagnosis and he prescribed antibiotics & cortisone for my "diver's ear". After complaining about severe pain the following days, I had to revisit him to listen to the same diagnosis (this time the examination of both ears took about 10 minutes). In the end I had to visit another specialist doctor in another hospital to solve my problem, with proper examination and diagnosis (which took about half an hour). If this is the way for the NHS specialists to operate, I am really sorry to say that I regret supporting it.

  • Wiredlain



    Certain doctors and customer service staff are rude. Some specialized doctors are not interested in making a proper diagnosis and do not provide a specialized treatment while contributing everything to stress? As I have visited other specialist in other clinics I had got a better detailed diagnosis with a follow up treatment. There seems to be a fair amount of egomaniacs running this place, since asking normal and reasonable questions offends their ego.

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