AnimalCare Veterinary Center i Nicosia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernAnimalCare Veterinary Center



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30 D-E, Glyfadas, Strovolos, Nicosia 2023, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 515251
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Latitude: 35.142694, Longitude: 33.358631

kommentar 5

  • George Subarakias

    George Subarakias


    Πηρα τηλ διοτι ο δικος μου κτηνιατρος δεν απαντουσε στα μηνυματα μου λογο Πασχα και ο σκυλος μου δεν ηταν στα καλυτερα του ..............μεσα σε 1 ωρα αν και αργια, ειχαν ανοιξει και εξετασαν το σκυλο μου. Εμεινα πολυ ευχαριστημενος,σας ευχαριστω πολυ,το εκτιμησα πολυ !!!!

  • Melina Karittevli

    Melina Karittevli


    Very happy with the service. The team is doing a great job

  • Andreas Kousios

    Andreas Kousios


    Very professional and lovely customer approach.

  • Christiana Kousiou

    Christiana Kousiou


    Excellent and professional vet care

  • Anon



    We have adopted an abandoned puppy from the streets and the next day after, we have decide to go and have a check-up. The nearest clinic happened to be the Animal Care Vet. Center. The personnel of the clinic seemed very nice and friendly when we arrived and were very welcoming even thought we haven't booked an appointment prior to our visit. However, the doctor that was available to see our pup has shown lack of proffesionalism as she did not inspect it in a proper manner neither inform us for the potential illnesses or deseases it might have. The fact that no microchip has been detected and also that we have found the dog on the streets did not raise any concerns for the doctor and recomended us to go home and wait a few days until we proceed with the first vaccine etc. The day after, our pup started feeling very ill and was not acting normal. We have asked for the advice of another proffesional who has insisted that a full check-up and treatment was necessary before bringing him home. The same day we have found out that the puppy was infected with the round worm (after vomiting) and it was in an advanced stage. It must be specified that the round worm infection is very dangerous and can be easily transmitted to humans, fact that one of the doctors of Animal Care Vet. Center has missed to think about and also to inform us. The superficial check up and lack of proffesionalism exposed us and the puppy to a very high risk and caused us a lot of inconveniences and stress. Definitely DO NOT RECOMMEND this clinic.

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