Alphamega Paphos i Paphos

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernAlphamega Paphos



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87, Dimokratias Avenue, 8028, Paphos, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 80 080022
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7810981, Longitude: 32.4443905

kommentar 5

  • Mega Njus

    Mega Njus


    Good magazine, a lot of choice, have all necessary for home)

  • Valentin Osolos

    Valentin Osolos


    Great supermarket with great services abd products... but also expensive... have fun shopping

  • Igor Kolotov

    Igor Kolotov


    The largest grocery store is in Paphos. Fresh fish, Meat is the freshest and largest selection in Paphos.

  • Trevor Perry

    Trevor Perry


    Good range of items but considerably more expensive than the previous supermarket that we shopped in. Good for range of wines.

  • Michael



    Ok supermarket but they have been eliminating some items and substituting them with items of less value for even more money so beware. I am starting to explore other markets in town to purchase goods that I used to regularly buy from here. They are getting really pricey too, more so than others. I think a recent change has put them in the wrong direction. Also beware of price errors on their shelves they have been making mistakes, several occasions I have found a special sale price sign on their shelf that is expired it turns out when paying. It is their responsibility to remove these if they are not valid. They are obiged to charge you their advertised price at the casheir. Double check your sale priced items before paying! Ask cashier how much was that when they scan it to be sure. Edit: I added up another star to my review, they seem to be trying to please their customers. Most of their employees are courteous. I give them credit for that. Advice, your regular customers know the most of what your prices and value for money is so be careful with your items quality choices and be careful of not removing items you had regularly sold to be replaced by another unrecognisable brand name. Employees who are in positions to meet and greet shoppers such as the people at the escalator going downstairs should be courteous to all shoppers instead of looking and acting like a cold block of ice.

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