Allegra GSP Sport Center i Nicosia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernAllegra GSP Sport Center


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12, Γιάννη Τσατταλα, Nicosia, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 467000
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Latitude: 35.1133765, Longitude: 33.3604233

kommentar 5

  • Dylan Parker

    Dylan Parker


    Staff were lovely as soon as we entered, very friendly and were asking us about our week. Rooms were great, clean and tidy. Food was also great with a nice selection and some waffles which my partner loved. I would definitely come back here to stay again if we do decide to visit blackpool again

  • Alexandros Papadimitriou

    Alexandros Papadimitriou


    Great hospitality, the hosts and personnel are very kind and polite and always try to help you with anything you might need. Food is great and plenty. Overall, a great facility to stay and train.




    The best place in Cyprus and one of the best in Europe, for athletes and sports teams for a training camp. - Great sports facilities with variety of options! - Amazing hospitality! - Great accomodation! - Excellent food with special choices for an athlete! - The staff is very friendly, polite and helpful. ALLEGRA covers everything you need in a preparation camp.

  • Ανδριάνα Φερρα

    Ανδριάνα Φερρα


    It is the most amazing hotel in Cyprus for athletes. *Great sports facilities !!! *Amazing hospitality !!! *Great accomodation !!! *Excellent food and variety of options. The staff is very friendly, polite and helpful... Everything an athlete needs is right outside the hotel door...

  • Naoumenko vladimir

    Naoumenko vladimir


    It is the most amazing hotel in Cyprus for athlete's. Great staff and very helpful. Great food and a variety of choices. And finally everything an athlete needs is right outside the door of the hotel. Also the rooms are very well decorated and are always clean .

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