Achilleos City Hotel i Larnaka

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CypernAchilleos City Hotel



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Δημοσθένους, Larnaka, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 24 624150
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.9136404, Longitude: 33.6370095

kommentar 5

  • Dylan Parker

    Dylan Parker


    The service from start to end was great and very welcoming. The rooms was very clean and with comfortable beds. A beautiful historical building with premium location and stunning views of the Indian ocean and sunsets! A big highlight to King of The Mambo, a restaurant located by the sea inside the hotel with delicious Mediterranean food and Cuban vibes. Thank you all for the hospitality and warm welcome.

  • Fransis Ghandour

    Fransis Ghandour


    middle of the city. nice rooms the usual noise of the city, nice staff parking is hard to find at the hotel. but parking ( 2euros per interance is nearby )

  • Ronald Fein

    Ronald Fein


    Pleasntly surprised. Clean, modern rooms, with comfortable beds Excellent breakfast. Very accommodating staff

  • Guido Pellegrini

    Guido Pellegrini


    Very good in almost every aspect. Biggest detraction is the scent being sprayed all over the public areas. So much so that you can't get away from it even in you room. A little short on electrical outlets.

  • David Lopez

    David Lopez


    Our family has stayed in the hotel for week. We booked 2 rooms. Location is excellent, just a minute away from the beach! The rooms are very nice! We got a baby and he had plenty of space to move around! Service was excellent! All the staff very attentive and always very helpful. On top of that the breakfast is superb! Plenty of different choices, from different veggies, to pastries, yogurt, cereals, fruit, etc.. also, from the breakfast you got a great view of the sea! Additionally there is a gym with many different machines, press benches and even TRX to do your workouts. Next time we are back in Cyprus we will definitely come back and stay in Achilleos. Keep up the hard work!

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