Acapulco Resort Convention SPA Hotel i Agios Epiktitos

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CypernAcapulco Resort Convention SPA Hotel



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Catalkoy, Kyrenia Turkish Republich of Northern Cyprus, Ag. Epiktitos 99370
kontakter telefon: +90 392 650 45 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.330273, Longitude: 33.4209

kommentar 5

  • Lars Mönch

    Lars Mönch


    Good: perfect WiFi, huge facilities. Huge vararity of food. Staff Not really friendly, and its noisy. If you have Kids, its fine. Otherwise dont choose this Hotel. The Pool and the location next to the beach outstanding. Its far out in the middle of nowhere. Keep that in mind. Hotel is aged, everything is already older and a bit used. We couldnt use the Spa, all booked, so no Review on this. Gym is perfect. Good size, good Equipment. Everything is clean and no complaints about that. The Casino we had a quick Look. Smokers make it smelly, but the staff there was great. We changed the rooms, that was easy and fast, they didnt hesitate to Upgrade our room. Well done. Breakfast ist perfect, so many Things. All tasty, loved it.

  • Sergio V.G

    Sergio V.G


    Overall, a good hotel. Numerous activities and the sizeable resort property contribute to the overall pleasant atmosphere. The cuisine is good and comes in a wide variety. Although there is always potential for improvement, the service is subpar.

  • Murat Yaslioglu

    Murat Yaslioglu


    Facilities are almost okay. Rooms are ancient, kind of dirty as well. Staff is nice, management is cheap. Internet is horrible, more than horrible actually. Casino is nice tho. Value for money? 2 stars Facilities 4 stars Hotel rooms -2 stars (horrid) Internet blackhole (unbearable) Staff 4 stars Food 3 stars

  • Tarkan Ulas

    Tarkan Ulas


    İt is really great hotel. Has a huge area and couple hotel buildings and a lot of bungalows in the complex. There are couple pools, really long and beautiful beach (sandy beach and almost no rocks). Staff are really helpful and kind. There are few restaurants but the main restaurant is closed to beach. Open buffet breakfast and dinner will be served if you book half board. The quality of the food is really great and most of the dishes taste is like you are eating in fine dine. There is a big Casino as well if you like gambling. They have free shuttle service from hotel to Girne centre ( couple times a day) and taxi services as well. Why 4 star? There's no cattle, tea...etc , iron in the rooms. They don't provide it. I would recommend Acapulco Resort.

  • Emi Kayserilioglu

    Emi Kayserilioglu


    An exceptionally well run large hotel. Boasts great amenities too. The staff are incredibly polite professional & immaculately groomed. This is something that's important for me, it shows the establishment gives importance to its staff, training and appearance. The spa is fantastic, as is the beach area. The only negatives would be: The dated umbrellas that don't provide great shade. The choice of music played in the cafe area. The food in cafe adjacent to the beach could be a little tastier.

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